Sometime later, when Bee learned from pestering Darui that the Leaf and Sand were hosting together an impromptu Chunin Exams, Bee saw this as an opportunity to "give show" for the attenders. Doing this created an uneasyness in Bee, ironically being burdened to the same fate as a Tailed Beast forced to be sealed inside a Jinchuriki. At some point afterwards, likely after he befriended Gyuki, he was known among the Cloud as a hero, similarly to how Naruto was called a hero after defeating Pain, but with Motoi going as far as to call him "Hero of Heroes".Īfter the death of the Third Raikage, Ay, who had been appointed the Fourth Raikage, forbade Bee from ever entering his full Tailed Beast State, as well as forbade him from leaving the village, as well as said he is to stay within the village and shoot Tailed Beast Bombs at any oncoming attackers to avoid the same fate as his father. Minato even stated that B acted as a true shinobi killer, thus giving him the title of "Killer", which is a name Bee accepted with open arms. Sometime after those events, at roughly 16 years old, he encountered Minato Namikaze, who after countering his brother's attack, used Gyuki's tail to push him out of the way, from this encounter Minato would come to have much respect for B and his abilities. However, he was able to push through that by continuing to smile, because he wanted to make sure his brother wasn't hurt politically as the Fourth Raikage.Īfter training at the Waterfall of Truth, he learned how to utilize Gyuki's Chakra in an incredibly short amount of time. Soon after Gyuki was sealed inside him, he began to experience the same prejudices that fellow Jinchuriki Naruto Uzumaki and Gaara of the Desert had experience.

Bee proved to be the only acceptable parter for Ay, as he was the only one capable of preforming a Double Lariat with him, and was henceforth given the name "B", and would be Ay's brother from that day on. Since the age of five, Bee has been best friends with Motoi, whom he always greeted with a fist bump. After Ay's cousin, (the Third Raikage's "B") the Jinchuriki of Gyūki lost control and killed Motoi's father along with seven other ninja on that day, B was chosen as its next Jinchuriki. At a young age, Bee, along with a group of other kids, were gathered by the Third Raikage's right-hand man Dodai to select a tag parter for Ay, as per tradition in the Hidden Cloud of the future Raikage "A" to have a parter "B" who can help bring out the true strength in him. Killer Bee is a Shinobi of the Hidden Cloud Village, and the current Jinchuriki of the Eight-Tails, Gyuki.